Sentral Gas Medis
Sentral Gas Medis
PT. Zah Zah Utama Indonesia berdiri pada tahun 2007, dimulai dari beberapa proyek yang telah kami selesaikan dengan baik. Didukung dengan tenaga teknisi yang sudah berpengalaman di bidang instalasi Gas Medis dan Sistem Rumah Sakit secara internasional. Walaupun terhitung baru di Indonesia, kami mendapat dukungan dari produk yang kami jual-belikan sehingga dapat bersaing dan berkomitmen dalam memberikan solusi dengan pelayanan prima yang mengutamakan kepuasan pelanggan.
TotalAlert Embedded Network
The TotalAlert Embeddednetwork puts all of theinformation from your sourceequipment and alarms atyour fingertips. Each unitcomes fully equipped with anembedded web server - all youhave to do is plug it into thefacility’s Ethernet and pull up the unique web address...
Typical Layout (Dual line with booster and filling ramp)
Typical Layout (Single line with booster and filling ramp)
Typical Layout (Single line)
French Type Suction Regulator
Feature : The gauge is built outside of regulator body.Accrate suction control within ±10%Simplified internal mechanical design for easy maintence and clean.Quick switch for On/Off vaccumClear Analog Display in 2 2/12'' pressure gauge.Nice outlook with durable plastic...
American Type Suction Regulator
Feature ; the gauge is built-in within regulator body.accurate suction control within ± 10%quick switch - 760: Reg/Off/Full vaccum - 400/-300/-160:Reg/Off vaccum Clear Analog Display in 2 1/2'' pressure gauge.Constantly vacuum control.Nice outlook with durable plastic...
Vacuum regulator accessories
Ceiling Pendant Systems
In Critical Care AreasWhatever your needs may be, BeaconMedæs has a complete solution to seamlessly integrate with your department. Atlas and Coronus pendant systems provide convenient access to critical equipment supported by an expertly engineered workstation.●...